Smokebush – Winecraft Black®


Winecraft Black® is the first Proven Winners smokebush, so you know it must be special. In spring, round leaves emerge rich purple but as summer’s heat comes on, they turn a deep near-black tone and finally light up in an array of reds and oranges in fall. In early summer, large, soft panicles of bloom appear that become the misty “smoke” that makes this such a popular landscape plant. Unlike other smokebush, it naturally has a rounded, dwarf habit which means that finally, every landscape has room for this unique plant.

Full Sun | H: 8-10″ W: 6-8″ | zone 4-8

Top three reasons to grow Winecraft Black smokebush:

1. Color and interest from spring through frost.

2. No pruning or special maintenance required.

3. Dwarf habit makes it easy to use with any sized home or yard.

Maintenance Notes:

Winecraft Black smokebush is very easy to care for and requires little to nothing in the way of regular maintenance. Plant in full sun for best color and flowering. Pruning will rarely be required but may be done in spring.

Fun Facts:

It isn’t technically the flowers that create the hazy, smoke-like effect this plant is so loved for – it’s the seedpods that form after the flowers have faded.