Salvia, Hardy – Fashionista Evening Attire


The word fashionista is often used to describe someone who is constantly on the cutting edge of beauty, representing current fashion trends. Likewise, this collection of Perennial Salvia from Walters Gardens hybridizing represents the cutting edge of perennial fashion, with big, bold blooms in an array of chic and stylish colors. All of the varieties in this collection are Salvia pratensis hybrids, so you know you can expect excellent garden performance.

‘Evening Attire’ is the darkest, most vibrant blue Salvia of the FASHIONISTA® collection. Huge, vivid violet blue flowers are packed tightly into a refined habit. Flowers are held on dark calyxes above dark green foliage.

Salvia is a staple for every sunny garden. It asks little more than sunshine and a little drink every once in a while in return for producing a bountiful mass of colorful flower spires from late spring into early summer.

Sun | H: 20-22″ W: 24-26″ | zone 3-8