Nepeta/Catmint – Dropmore


This variety has been bred to withstand harsh conditions. Plants form a low, bushy mound of fragrant grey-green leaves, bearing clusters of bright blue flowers for weeks on end. Terrific for edging in the sunny border, also great in tubs or containers. Plants may benefit from a light shearing after the first flush of flowers in June is over, to keep them compact and bushy. In cool summer regions this will often continue to flower all summer long. Easily divided in fall or spring. Drought tolerant. Attractive to butterflies.

When Nepeta’s stems are broken, they release an aroma into the air that tends to attract cats, thus its common name, Catmint.

Shearing back spent blooms encourages reblooming.
Sun | H: 10-12″ W: 12-18″ | zone 2-9