Hibiscus/Rose Mallow – Summerific All Eyes on Me


One of our most compact Hardy Hibiscus to date! Despite its scaled down size, ‘All Eyes on Me’ keeps the trademark massive 8″ blooms the plant has become known for. The blushing pink blooms appear from the top to the bottom of a well-rounded habit of dark green leaves. Heavily overlapping petals give the impression the flowers are semi-double, particularly as each bud unfurls.

These North American native plants bring massive, tropical-looking flowers all the way to zone 4. Although later to emerge than most perennials in spring, these are fast growing plants capable of adding an inch of new growth a day. Excellent at brightening up end of season gardens.

Full sun to part shade | H: 3.5′ W: 3.5′ | zone: 4-9