Helenium – Mariachi Salsa


This compact beauty delivers weeks of zesty color from midsummer into fall. Flowers are bold red around a brown cone, and pair well with the blue spikes of Perovskia. PP 25,978

The boldly colored blooms of Helenium are especially valuable late summer into fall, when few perennials are at their peak. Full sun and an organic-rich, well-drained soil are best; satisfy these requirements and the sturdy plants will brighten a border, meadow, or wild garden. Superb cut flowers.

Genus name comes from the Greek name helenion which is the name of a Greek plant which honors Helen of Troy. It is unclear as to the relevance of Helen of Troy to the within genus of plants which are exclusively native to North and South America.

Powdered disk flowers and leaves of this species have in the past been dried and used as snuff, thus giving rise to the common name of sneezeweed.

  • Full sun | H: 18-20″ W: 18-24 | zone: 3-9
  • Attracts butterflies
  • Mostly deer resistant
  • Cut flower