Barberry – Sunjoy Gold Pillar®


This is an easy way to add both vertical lines and bright color to your home landscape. Similar in shape to ‘Helmond Pillar’ barberry, but with orange-red new growth that matures to vivid gold. Autumn brings stunning orange-red color. Proven to be burn resistant in side by side tests with other yellow leaf barberry. Plant Sunjoy Gold Pillar barberry as a low-maintenance hedge or edging, or add it to a border as an specimen plant.

Full Sun | H: 3-4′ W: 1.5-2′ | zone 4-7

Top reasons to grow Sunjoy Gold Pillar barberry:

– Versatile, appealing shape adds drama and flair

– Bright gold color doesn’t burn in the sun

– Very deer resistant

Maintenance Notes:

Extremely adaptable, but prefers well-drained soil. This upright columnar selection does not require any pruning, but may be shaped in summer. Deciduous. Fertilize in early spring by applying a slow release fertilizer specialized for trees & shrubs. Follow the label for the recommended rate of application.

Fun Facts:

If you cut open a barberry stem, the wood inside is yellow.