Aronia – Low Scape Hedger®


Low Scape Hedger aronia is a super versatile native flowering shrub. Reaching just 3-5′ (.9-1.5 m) tall, it’s a dense column of glossy green foliage that’s perfect for low hedges or screening. Spring finds the plant covered in hundreds of white flowers, and come fall, the foliage lights up in bright reds and oranges. Low Scape Hedger grows well just about anywhere: in full sun or part shade, wet or dry soils, in hot climates or cold ones. Non-suckering; Can be pruned into a formal hedge or left to grow naturally.

Part Sun to Full Sun | H: 3-5′ W: 2-3′ | zone 3-9

Top reasons to grow Low Scape Hedger aronia:
– Short, columnar habit makes it a versatile landscaping plant
– white spring flowers
– red and orange fall color

Maintenance Notes:

Aronia is one of the toughest, most durable shrubs, and needs little care. If you wish to prune, the best time is immediately after it blooms. Because Low Scape Hedger does not set fruit, pruning after flowering does not impact the fall display as it would in other aronias.

Wondering about deer resistance? It varies. We have found that in areas with heavy deer or rabbit activity, they may eat the flower buds in early spring, when food supplies are scarce. However, they do not typically continue browsing aronia after that, so are unlikely to cause severe or disfiguring damage to the plant itself.

Aronia’s common name, chokeberry, comes from the extremely astringent taste of the fruit.