Apple/Malus – Pink Lady®


Pink Lady® apples are enjoyed both for eating fresh and cooking. These trees, also known as Cripps or Cripps Pink, produce apples late in the growing season, making it a good choice for growing in warmer climates. It requires only 500-600 chill hours per year.

The fruit has a unique, balanced flavor—the first bite is tart, followed by just the right amount of sweet. It is delicious to eat fresh, but it is equally as good to use for cooking.

Chefs and home cooks enjoy the firm quality of this apple variety, using it for baking desserts where the apple retains its shape, like pies, tarts, and cakes. This apple variety is also an excellent choice for apple sauces and apple butters.

Excellent for eating, baking, and sauces

Height/Width: Varies (estimated 12 – 25′)
Harvest: August
Exposure: Full Sun
Zone: 5-9