Apple/Malus – Granny Smith


Historic favorite bright green apple! Whether fresh eating or cooking, the granny smith apple’s sweet and tart taste ranks it among the most popular apple trees. Perfect for pies, caramel apples, cider making, or low-calorie nutritious snacking. This medium to large size apple has a firm and crisp texture that has made it an apple lover’s favorite. Granny Smith apples are one of the best-storing apples and can be kept up to six months given the proper storage.

Crisp and juicy. Good balance of tart and sweet. Perfect for baking, sautéing and snacking. Great for baking, sautéing, and salads.

Height/Width: Varies (estimated 12 – 15′ tall)
Harvest: Late October
Exposure: Full Sun
Zone: 5-9
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