Mountain Mint/Pycanthemum – Smokey


Pycnanthemum ‘Smokey’ (Mountain Mint) is a vigorous, pollinator-friendly perennial known for its silvery, aromatic foliage and clusters of soft lavender to white flowers that bloom mid-to-late summer. The fine, silvery hairs on its leaves and stems give it a “smoky” appearance, adding a unique texture to the garden.

Highly attractive to bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects, Smokey thrives in full sun to partial shade and well-drained, average to dry soil. This deer-resistant, drought-tolerant plant is perfect for prairie plantings, native gardens, and meadow landscapes, where it provides season-long interest and ecological benefits. Its spicy, minty fragrance makes it a wonderful choice for herbal and sensory gardens as well!

Full sun | H: 24-30″ W: 24-48″ | zone 4-9