5½” rich purple flowers have a lavender watermark with a white edge. Flowers are very clean and hold up well in the sun for having such a dark purple color. Exceptionally wide petals. Fragrant.
Daylilies can survive many harsh conditions that other plants cannot including: polluted city environments, slopes, poor and dry soils, near pavement that is salted in winter, and under Black Walnut trees (not affected by juglone).
Characteristics (Compared to Other Daylilies)
- Midseason Bloomer, blooming in July.
- Rebloomer, producing a second set of flowers.
- Fragrant flowers.
- Dormant foliage.
- Tetraploid with 44 chromosomes, twice as many as Diploids. Tetraploids tend to be bigger, stronger plants.
PART SUN to FULL SUN | h: 28” w: 18-24” | zone 3 to 9