Grass/Andropogan – Red October


‘Red October’ is primarily distinguished from the species by its slightly shorter height, deeper green summer foliage and brilliant scarlet red fall color. An excellent garden performer with a clumping form and upright habit. Leaves emerge deep green with red highlights in spring, remain green through much of the summer, change to purplish-red to purple by late summer and finally turn a vivid scarlet red after first fall frost. Burgundy red flowers bloom in August. Plants typically grow to 6′ tall. This cultivar was discovered as a seedling of Andropogon gerardii ‘Indian Warrior’ and introduced by Intrensic Perennial Gardens, Inc. of Hebron, Illinois. It is protected by patent number PP26283.

Full sun | H: 4-6′ W: 2-3′ | zone: 4-9